Friday, February 16, 2007

random day

1. i must commend you bloggers who work, post, and comment here on our lovely blogger.

i do want to apologize for my sporadic posting and nil commenting... i'm still getting into the swing of things and when u have an MM who thinks you spend too much time on the PC -no matter how much time you spend on there- its kinda hard to post, read, and comment. i ALMOST miss the school daze i used to live in. would i go back? in a heartbeat. but, this is the best semester

i'm lying.

2nd semester at HU was bomb FOLLOWED by this semester. this is the most drama free

i'm lying.

MM is drama that is constant as opposed to 'he said/she said' drama of collegiates and professors acting like OTHER professors haven't given us a ton of homework.

homework. such a cute term. i actually liked homework. gave me something to do. i am really a good student! its just that damn attending class thing that gets in the way...

so yeah, kudos to those of you who post and live at the same time. me and X will get out bloggers lives together soon.

2. i got a new phone

yes, this is my 3rd one in... 6 months and no, i'm not a drug dealer. just trying to grow up little by little. dreezy sent me some links for phones and services i should look into. last night, walked into sam's club with $5 for some water, walked out with a pink razor from t-mobile. i would put my number out here but i don't know it. also, toni, i tried to put you in my fave five but i think i have the wrong number! i have a 'toni' and i have a 'k' as faves and none of them are you. not a good look.

3. valentine's day

is everyday for me. i went to a lounge where Dreezy was playing for v-day. fell asleep during the 1st set and almost died from 2nd hand smoke in the 2nd set. when i got back to his place, i had one of the (red) shirts from the GAP on my pillow :-)
mine says ado(red). i was like, "ado red? aDO red? i don't get it" he replied "my little blond, you're adored"

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! thanks Dreezy!!! seeing how i got my hair done, roses, and some earrings over the weekend, wednesday was just another day. OMG, I must share pix of my class! if you're on facebook, knock yourself out!

3 returned the favor:

Toni "Turtle Dove" Phoenix said...

Hello my dear. I missed you much. I have also been slacking but I have much to post about. I will be up this weekend. Give me a holler on the celly. the number is 678 6(my age here) 03(the year we started high school here) You're bright you can figure that out. Love you

Madam DLBG said...

ado red...OMG...HE-LARIOUS


I have a inspi red

Jameil said...

thanks for my commendation! LMAO @you!! sometimes i feel so patient when you have your blond moments. others... i want to strange both of us... I LOVE YOU GIRL!! lolololol