Monday, February 26, 2007

Fest Groupies

so Dreezy was here for the weekend and as a joke, we said, "Let's go to India Fest 2007!" we went to downtown west palm beach and partook in the Indian cuisine. unfortunately, the audio wasn't up to par so we missed out on dances and music. saw a couple of people we know but honestly didn't have a good time. it was a "whatever" time. we got out the house. that was saturday.

on sunday, we looked through the paper and saw "Street Painting Fest" from 10am -6pm. So there! now that was BOMB!!! OMG, if i wasn't an ed major and could pick whatever major I wanted, i'd be an art history major!!! i LOVED that class which was a requirement for elem ed and took the 2nd part along with ancient civ art and american art. those are the only text books, i kept! anyway, we had a blast seeing familiar and unfamiliar art. the great wave is a fave of his and i have blank cards with japanese art on them including the great wave. love it. ooooh!!! you know the cover for prince's 'rainbow children' LP?? yeah, that artist also did field mob's 'from tha roota to tha toota' and the 'violator' covers. he was soooo there!!! and sooooo cute!! with his freckled self!! cbasi (i'm drawing a blank on his last name)

so yeah, we've decided to hit up 49 more fests this year. we went to canada fest three weeks ago in broward; this past weekend was india and street painting fest, this weekend is marley/carribean fest and we missed greek fest. ow!

4 returned the favor:

Cluizel said...

Awwww...looks like fun!

I was so confused we you mentioned festivals but're in FL...not in NY where there is snow on the ground. poo

the joy said...

Fun! Tell drew to put more of you in the photo. He knows he's hella taller than you. Omg that pic, the wave, that was on the card I have la for her grad. I think... I loves it also. I wanna go to a fest!

Jameil said...

49? WTH??? y'all are insane. hatin HARD on the fact that you're only partially clothed. not fair!!

Jameil said...

also... can you see with those large glasses on?