Tuesday, January 16, 2007

my weekend

so remember how i said i want to be where musicians are and what not? yeah-no. this weekend, I went to orlando with dreezy and if you've seen 'lost in translation', you have an idea of what being the signif other of an artist can be like. now clearly, i cannot speak for everybody but... it's kinda lonely. or boring. or both.

saturday, we got to the O around 3. the promoter hadn't paid for the hotel yet so we could only hang around till that happened. drew and i walked to a MLK festivity that just ended. walked back and waited. other band mates started to show up but still no promoter. he finally shows and its cool. they decide for sound check at 7 even though the show is at midnight. we find somewhere to eat but me being with a vegetarian reggae band... yeah. i ate jamaican food which was good but not what i'm used to. the minute we get back to the telly, the wife of the headliner drew is playing with lets everyone know that sound check has been moved up to 6. after fnally getting our room and getting something to eat all of 15 minutes later, that left us with 20 minutes to nap. no nap. dreezy leaves me in the hotel room and i just sit. i graded all my papers the day before and didn't bring anything to read. i don't have my charger cause drew was supposed to bring the one i left at his house. he brings the charger for his bluetooth headset. no phone, no books...what to do?

drew comes back some 3 hours later. sound check wasn't as smooth as planned and apparently, b/c of some favors, the band has swelled to 8 people with half never playing with eachother before. great. we try to sleep but the previous fatigue has left. we watch football, tell jokes and stagger sleep. 11 rolls around and we have to go. showers and we're out. why don't they get on stage till 1230? and have to do another sound check? but... before all that, we're in the green room and you know why its called the green room??? i'll tell you this, the paint isn't green.

so as drew is playing, i'm sitting in a corner by myself. i don't know anyone there; i'm not from orlando, i'm just with the band. unfortunately, i don't know any of his songs; my reggae knowledge is Bob and a couple of Sizzla tracks. yeah.

they finish playing at 230 and its time to break down. we get back at 330 cause drew caught out ASAP. remember how we missed out on a nap? that bitch came back hard as the fcuk. we crash.

sunday was cool. we leave and go to the mall at millenia. i got a turquoise dress from express and some MAC 'oh baby' lip lacquer. and we hit the road. 3 hrs later, we're in hollywood. we nap and get ready for another show. this time, i come with. sound check at the club with people who don't want things moved around killed the fun vibe the band came in there with. i'm again sitting by myself and i actually fall asleep. why did some haitian bang on the table and wake me up? PISSED! the minute the show is over, we're out.

monday. we sleep. sleep and eat. i had the most vanglorious crossaint at a french bistro walking distance from his place and ate sushi that night. he lives downtown so everything is uber cool.

that was my MLK weekend. no more shows for me if i can help it.

5 returned the favor:

The Very Reverend Ace Clemmons, Jr. said...

Wow. I feel like im reading the blog of a few of My Ex's! this is what led me to finally date a person with the "Virus" like myself. As i suspected, its been my most successful relationship to date. For a whole Sh*tload of reason I wont clog your blog up with...

Now im not saying this will happen. Not at all. time goes on, and you grow older --if he is *the one* - Music will always be his mistress and that can be hard to accept without resentment. At times

i know thats kinda vague.

the very.

the joy said...

aw stace. at least you had some fun. yeah ace is right. now you wont be jealous when you cant go though.

Jameil said...

you have to go to another show. just bring people with you in the future.

she said vanglorious crossaint at a french bistro walking distance from his place. i'm so mad at you for that. vanglorious croissant? hilarious!! can i get a french bistro in walking distance and warm wx so i can get there? thanks! :D

Adei von K said...

Ace- i was complaining but looking back, it was all good. i know i'm his lady and his "girfriend" is Ms. Korg Triton and its all good. I am so not bitter b/c we've talked abt this before and music was there before me, music is his bread and butter, music is his life. what kind of significant other would i be if i didn't support that?

he's let me know abt chicks who've complained being second to practices and gigs and he pointed out that they are obviously not in the picture anymore cause that is his biggest pet peeve. sooooo won't be me!!

Joy- absolutely right. although I'm not the jelly type (since highschool) i felt special being where they were and just have to take it all; fun and stress.

Jameil- part of the prob was not having a charged phone. I will def call people wherever I am next time and bring them in with me! thenwe can drink and wile out!
Ask abt that plane tix so we can have crossaints together!!

Toni "Turtle Dove" Phoenix said...

'vanglorious' :)