Sunday, November 12, 2006

Part II: Philia

Yesterday was my godsister's wedding.
kissing a church member
after the ceremony

Aside from one of her 'maids passing out, the event was short and sweet. I will admit that my favorite part was the end when I got to see everybody from the old neighborhood. it was like a family reunion minus the drunks; filled with so much warmth and love. Oh my gosh, i was sooooooooooooooooo happy to see my childhood friends, "aunties" and "uncles". Everyone has spread about the country and it was great seeing "family" who flew in from Kansas City, Atlanta, Charlotte; the students who drove from all over Florida...Tally, Tampa, Miami; and the folks who are right here in town. The engineers, MBAs, teachers, nurses, accountants, law and pharmacy students, professors, flight attendants, politicians, coaches. Of course some were missing like Rashard who played for UM and is at Jax balling with the Jags, and Kali who's in med school at Morehouse. I saw neighbors who i could help but to ask, "Who are you? Are you?!?!?!!? Oh my gosh I haven't seen you in soooooooooooo long!!! OMG Mommy!!! Did you see?!? Oh, you did? True. OMG!!!!"
Ashley, my bro and I at the cocktail reception. don't you wish you were in S. Florida? Even though it was a 'winter' wedding, clearly, sleeveless was the order of the day. It was HOT!!

I was waving my little hands off at people across the way and then we had to leave the sanctuary so Monica could take pics. Before that though, we had to have a Spencer Lakes (my neigborhood) picture.
mom dukes in the African outfit of course. i can't wait to see what she wears for my wedding

it does take a village to raise a child. i love my village.

7 returned the favor:

Jameil said...

that pic of you stan and ash... is that his arm around your waist? stace! you are maaaaaaaad little son. i know you hate that but its hilarious. he's standing next to you and his whole arm is circling your waist, touching himself again. lolol

a family reunion minus the drunks?! hursh! when have you ever been to a family reunion? now you know cubans don't have those.

rub in the hot weather again. i'm praying its like 12 degrees when you finally come up here.

Anonymous said...

oh i love weddings!!
love the pics and your dress.

Adei von K said...

Jameil- no that is NOT his arm!! please look at the emerald tennis bracelets... Stanley's birthstone is amythest.

(sheepish) you're right. the minute i wrote that, I was like, "Okay I'VE never been to a fam reunion..." i always hear there are drunks though!

Shake the hater stick. I'm bringing sunshone with me in a ziplock bag.

Leela- OMG weddings are sooooo beautiful! thanks for the compliment!

Joy- thank-you!!!!

the joy said...

is there another joy? i thought i was the only one lol.

weddings. i'm going insane with how much i love them now. i like your mom's outfit. she's pretty. i wish it was hot here. my friend's coming down for the classic. i wanna go!

Barry said...

Looks like you had a great time!

Anonymous said...

look like everybody had fun...

p_nami said...

I would hate on you and the weather but it was 75 degrees last I will keep it to myself :-)

I remember your post about switching to Blogger Beta...what did you find out? I'm thinking of switching but since there's no turning back, I guess I want to be sure it's worth it!