Tuesday, June 30, 2015

(draft from May '12)

1. it just hit me that i/we will be 50 years old in 20 years. 2032 IS ON THE HORIZON!

2. I know you should remember them for their beauty while it lasted but dying flowers are quite depressing!  I'm looking at the bouquet ABM sent me and they're faded and droopy now.

3. just found out an ex boo has joined the an ex-fiance club. *eyes widening*...

4. this 3 day weekend was everything I needed it to be.  filled with old friends and drinking on friday, saturday was spent re-couping and sunday was spent eating with friends.  Nothing going on today and that's fine with me.

5. i think i'm going to wash my own hair.

i always say that.

0 returned the favor: