Tuesday, September 25, 2012

so. We lost the mommy from the previous post. I moved out and realized I own nothing but the clothes on my back. Althea cut off two inches of hair and it's still too long. ABM came to NY last week. He asked if I wanted to see him. Sir, it'll take more than flowers to get back on my good side. I decided not to go to lion king with him. E for Effort but I still don't like you. I think the art teacher likes me. SHE tapped my ass and called my saucy. O_o I hope I survive this winter. I'd hate to hate NY again. I hope the school year continues on the positive note we started on. My class makes me happy, laugh, smile, feel good about life. I came to a SERIOUS MINDBLOWING realization when I was watching SNF with buddy i'll call Bogart. I want him to like me so I can be done with him. That thought was so ridiculously lucid and loud... snake dream, anyone?? I think that's bout it. Be safe in love and life, y'all.

2 returned the favor:

Jameil said...

I hope it takes more than some cold air for you to hate NY. I don't get why you want someone to like you so you can be done w/them. You can't be done with him unless he likes you??? You must go out and seduce the world??? Please explain.

Adei von K said...

It's some weird dynamic I have to have to feel safe. And I shouldn't have said "done with him" but if need be, i want to be able to walk away less hurt.