Tuesday, August 28, 2012

a little bored, a little update

for the longest time, I thought black people drank tea and white people drank coffee.  I watched my parents drink tea every morning and saw neighbors drink sweet tea at block parties.  i saw WP on commercials deeply inhaling foalgers or maxwell haus.

the last 6 pieces of clothing i've were either black, black and white, or black and cream.  what's going on??

i think i'm going to cut my hair to summer 2011 length. It was a long, move-y bob that reminds me of of posh spice. right in between the chin and shoulders.  no, it wasn't that angled but it was definitely that fabulous.

I am overdue for a trip to atlanta! and Dallas!  and North Cack!

I love when people ask me, "What are you doing?" cause I respond with the most ridiculous answer possible.  Today's reply, "Some crack and a random dude I found sitting on a dilapidated stoop."

I am apparently the love of Angry Black Man's life.  He on the other hand, is not the love of mine.  I have honestly been spoiled by DFB and will not settle for anything less than diamonds and Juicy. I'm kidding. But don't think you're gon come up in here half-stepping... I asked for Lion King tix and a BMW; we'll he see what he does.

I was called Shelly O several times today. I liked it. I liked it a lot.

i just realized L Boog said, "Sweet prince of the ghetto" instead of "sweetness of the ghetto". I was in a bodega when the song was playing and the light went off in my head. lol

my hair must be re-trained to getting roller wraps. I was getting ridiculous with the blowouts but this puff on my supposedly relaxed head is not the beat.

For those of you that doubt the power of waxing, don't.  It's been a month and I'm thinking of re-scheduling my appointment to the following weekend. That's what's up!

But what's really up is that electrolysis. or laser hair removal (one of them is better for colored folks. Don't let the right living social deal come up... shoooooot.

2 returned the favor:

Jameil said...

1) LOL! That is so weird! My mom is a coffee & sweet tea drinker. I don't like tea or coffee but if I drink tea, I prefer hot tea. coffee, iced.
2) You like being boring? You're turning into a bona fide NYer.
3) do it!
6) ew. Go that way, sir.
8) There are so many songs I do this with!! LOL
10) :( I don't like pain. And I'm not hairy enough to justify it.

Adei von K said...

1. It's still weird when Keon and Keisha walk up in the bodega and ask for Sweet and Lo (coffee with lots of sugar, little bit of milk) lol

2. I know. I used to own ONE black item (editor pants) and now I have black dresses, shirts and skirts for days. I now feel so loud when I wear yellow or green :-/

3. When I go home for Rosh Hashanah, I'm going to let Althea assess my hair. Seeing how one side is shorter than the other, I have a feeling she'll want to even it out. That's why I'm psyching myself into wanting a hair cut lol

5. My most response to what are you doing: Taking a nap on the train tracks. They are so warm!

8. Isn't that the funniest?? It's like when children chop up the pledge of allegiance!!

10. so i researched, electrolysis is better for people with pigment b/c laser actually targets pigment and is ideal for light skin with dark hair. BRING IT ON!