Thursday, December 01, 2011


I'm getting no love from the brothers of NY. I'm too bourgie for the ones in Burntout Bushwick and BedStuy, I'm not boho chic enough for the ones of Clinton Hill/Ft.Greene/Flatbush, and then I'm too black for the few in Park Slope. You know when I do get love? When I'm wearing sweatpants and walking thru Harlem. But do those catcalls even count? They come from the kind of guys who holler at anything without a penis. Pass.

When in the City, it seems like they are all gay. I know all the bruhs in the System are. Like, a good 95% of them are, I promise you.

WHERE ARE ALL THE BOUT SOMETHING BLACK MEN AT?! let me stumble in an Alpha meeting and finally find some normal black men of substance.

It used to kind of be a joke... then Jam made a point that I'm the most crushed on BG by WGs she's ever met and now, it's becoming an epidemic.

I don't actively seek them out. I promise I don't. I like (what I consider) good looking guys. (and good looking is of course subjective). I don't discriminate. If you have a beard, I'm looking at you and thinking of a way to be in your presence. But these WGs out here?? Thirsty. And this is what crosses my mind each time:

1. Do you have a black girl fetish? Why so interested?
2. Are you a serial killer? Did a black girl hurt you once upon a time?
3. I know I look 19, is that what you're into? 18+?
4. Or are you like me and just like a certain type (small and boyish???? okaaaaay)

I am VERY skeptical of WGs that approach and even ogle (yes. I had to leave) at me. It's great for my ego but it seriously makes me wonder.

Most recently, I got off the train at Rock Center and was headed to the Tree lighting. It was warm on the platform and I realized my longjohns, hoodie, and bubble was excessive. Okay, take off the hoodie & bubble and keep it moving. Then I see a mob of people come in so I tap a police officer and ask, "What's going on with the mad rush of people?" He tells me the ceremony JUST finished but if I REALLY want to go see the tree, I "might as well hang out with [him] for a little while, till the rush dies down." Really officer?

We make small chit-chat, he actually asks a lot of questions, "noticed [I] came to the City alone, no family, boyfriend... or girlfriend", asks if I work out cause I have a fit body (thermals show everything) and when I finally ask if it's okay to go up, he says, "Sure, but let me get your number so we can hang out some time."

Well aren't you direct? Why can't none of my brothers be this direct?

0 returned the favor: