Thursday, December 08, 2011

Christmas Wish List

I really don't want that much... I mean, there are a ton of things I want but this is a Christmas wish list, not a *cross my fingers I hope I hit the lottery* list!

I want a lot of TV box sets.
I want Tru Blood, Gossip Girl, Ug Betty 2-4, whatever Modern Fam is out, New Girl, and Dexter.

I want music.
I want Jay's whole collection.

I want pashminas and shawls.
I have so many colors and there are so many more to be had! I still don't have a green joint!!! What gives?! I think my dad has scared the green away from me. IT'S ALL NIGERIAN GREEN!

Because of my No Shave November that has extended into December, I'm the queen of tights. Stockings, tights, leggings, the whole lot. I love them all. I wore there gray lace ones the other day and my school didn't know what to do with themselves. Then there are the argyle joints that are always fun with a solid dress. Whatever leg accessory you think would be cute will work for me!

I've always been an accessory lady. If my leg game is snoring boring, best believe I have on a cool headband. My colleagues went crazy for a thin black headband that had a grommet-ed star on it. I guess it was a faux fascinator but whatever, I rocked it. Again, no blossoms. Bows and stones y'all, bows and stones.

I used to fight it but... I'm feeling leopard print. Matter of fact, my party theme is a toss up between 'Leopard and Loubs' and 'Red, White, and Loub'. Leopard can be the fiercest thing ever and yet too often, it's gaudy. Almost in the same vein as ugly Christmas sweaters, i want to wear the hell out some leopard print, in earnest! Please don't let me grow up to be that person who finds the beauty in ugly clothes. Cause i'm really not trying to be ironic about leopard or Christmas sweaters, I really do like them!

Brooklyn, what have you done to me?

But back to leopard.
if you see a cool scarf, cuff, cocktail ring, wristlet, hat, belt, clutch, Louboutins... (IJS, there are some ballers out in the blogworld!)

Giftcards are always good.
I like XPress and theGAP

I want more books. I need Toni Mor's collection. I'm missing Beloved, a mercy, Jazz, and Paradise.

Cashmere tops.
Express used to have this cash pocket tee that was the greatest thing to ever hit their stores. I don't know why they won't bring it back cause it was one of my favorite pieces of clothing. But I got a long sleeve, gray cash v-neck from Target and everyone thought I was wearing a j.crew outfit. (black khaki skirt, gray tights, black flats). You can never go wrong with cashmere, no matter where it's from!

I tink dat's it!

3 returned the favor:

Jameil said...

You don't want much? This is a long list??? Lemme help you out though.
1) New Girl doesn't come out on DVD for some time but I'll table this for next year.
2) Best of Both Worlds is headed your way.
3) I.LOVE.TIGHTS!!!! LOVE 'EM!!! Blossoms are too hit or miss but feathers, bows & stones? WHAT? Yes please!!!
4) Please stop saying Loub. I hate the pronunciation.

Adei von K said...

LMMFAO!! NOT BEST OF BOTH WORLDS!!! I bet it'll be a burnt copy of your CD too, hmph!

Right on blossoms. I think it's cause we don't like fake flowers, period. Maybe if it's a leather or tweed flower... but still, holla at some bows & stones!

i don't feel like thinking of how and actually spelling Louboutins every time. give me a shortcut

Jameil said...

I mean... if you're not ACTUALLY wearing the shoes or gifting them to all of your girls (and if you do this, you can call them whatever you want) then why do you need to reference them anyway??