Saturday, November 05, 2011

i Miss Him

I miss Andrew so much y'all. Even though my work week doesn't allow for very much communication outside of a sprinkle of bus tweets, I bet there would be a way for us to talk everyday. I just miss sharing my day, as mundane as it might be with my best friend. With this new experience, every day I want to share with him. Yes, I call him and of course he doesn't answer, completely understandable... I send an e-mail maybe every other week, a text sparingly...

I just miss my best friend so much. I cry at my loss. If I have a moment with too much silence, it's filled with thoughts of him. That's why I drown myself in work. Saturdays are my favorite days but they are also the worst. The weekends were ours. In our pseudo long distance relationship, the weekends were ours.

*sigh* let me stop before I start crying on this bus. I just had to get that off my heart.

0 returned the favor: