Wednesday, March 30, 2011

put on a happy face

While I was going thru my personal turmoil, honestly for WEEKS now, never once did anyone say, "Hey Ms. K, you seem off. Are you okay?" Not that I was looking for that cause I really don't want people all in my business but, Dani said it plainly one day on GChat. "You're too put together." Being a woman, I think we feel like we have to keep it moving, put on that happy face and pretend like everything is okay when in fact it is not. I def don't want my class to suffer as a result of what's going on in her personal life but is Ms. K suffering?

Something like Katrina had to happen for my gates to finally come crashing down. the school elevator yesterday. I was tired of pretending everything was ok or was going to be okay. I crumpled up in the corner and bawled. Luckily, no one needed the elevator at the time so I had a few precious moments of cleansing cry before the second floor beckoned. The door opened and a parent walked in. "Oh Ms. K, are you alright? I've never seen you like this, you're always so happy!" I wiped my tears only to start crying again when I replied, "no I'm not ok. I'm very unhappy right now. My personal life is a mess but you know what? I will be ok. I have to be."

3 returned the favor:

Kali said...

Answers arent always clear and life isn't perfect but you survive and learn from all that you go through. From being a dedicated lurker, I get the idea that you are a resilliant woman!!
You may not be okay just yet, but it will happen. Sending positivty ur way!

Gorgeous_Puddin said...

Girl I hear you...I'm sorry that things are rough for you right now...I've always tried to be so strong...not let people in my space to see me weak...but my facade is crumbling right before my eyes...

But you're WILL be okay because you have to be AND in spite of what it feels like and looks like now it WILL get better because it has too!


KB said...

Awwww. this explains a lot. *hugs*