Saturday, October 02, 2010

Lord, Lordy, Lord

Y'all thought it was over, didn't you?

So he calls to make sure I got home, I tell him I got in by the skin of my teeth and that's all I remember. No, I remember thinking, "I'm never going to be able to fall asleep, the ringing in my ears won't stop."

I fall asleep and wake up and hour later than usual (8a). I text Dani to find out when exactly Ash's shower is and I really think I was on the verge of tears when she told me it was in about 3 hours. Aww man, might don't make it. I was clearly drunk when I woke up. And I had a slight headache. back to sleep.

Woke up at 1030 and told myself I have to start getting ready for the shower. My hair was a mess cause I think TM was running his fingers thru it...? and I of course didn't wrap that ish the night before. I check my phone and see a text from TM.

"Hey gorgeous! Just want to let you know I had the most fun in a long time! You are awesome! I hope we can hang out again!"


I eventually make it to the shower; Dani directs me straight to the OJ... I think she told me to bypass all guests and just keep walking... that OJ was the best thing that ever happened to me that day!

I get another text from TM,

"How's your day going? I hope you don't have a hangover! You were stumbling a bit but don't worry, I had you! And no-one was going to mess with you!"

"I'm barely at a bridal shower, drinking orange juice. I'll talk to you later."

I don't know when I text him but I do know the 5 of us who were at SkyBar decided we would go bowling the next Friday.

Friday rolls around, TM and I have been texting general ass texts that would NOT be awesome if I didn't have unlimited everything...

TM: hope you have a good day!
Me: thanks, you too

Friday night, RJ and I are on the phone on our ways to the alley. We're thinking, "It bets not be date night at the bowling alley... I'm sure they'd like that but yeah, no."

We walk in and it's AWESOME! Better than the alley we girls went to when Kitty was here last! The side we're bowling on had black lights and music and ish... DAMN! This looks like it'll be fun!

Matt and TM show us the lane and we get started! Apparently, Matt used to work there and is a bowling genius. Do you know what a Turkey is? 3 strikes in a row. Yeah, that was his cup du jour. TM has a gangsta arm that bowls 20-25mph and ish... Me and RJ? 8lb ball, 7mph, gutter balls. Aww man, it was so sad!! But fun at the same time cause bowling is just fun in itself!

So Matt is watching our technique and he gives us pointers,


I GOT A STRIKE!!! I GOT A FUTHERMUCKING STRIKE!!! Awww man, I'm doing cheerleading leaps and spirit fingers, TM picks me up and throws me in the air! I yelp and he says, "Aww baby, I got you! And I don't want to let go!"


"You know I'm in a relationship right? It says so on my fasebook page."
"I know, I'm sorry. You're just so darn cute! I just want to pick you up and hold you! And if given the opportunity, I'd make you mine. But I don't want the karma of messing up what you got."
"You don't know me. This is out second time ever seeing each other in LIFE. I've known D since high school, you know? There's history there. So we can hang out with RJ and Matt and have fun and all that and and hug here or there... but you're going to have to admire me from afar."

OMG, i'm so full.

"I hear you sweetie, any time with you is good enough for me"
and then he kisses me hard on the cheek.

RJ's like, "Girrrrrrl, that boy is in LOVE with you!"


We've bowled I don't know how many games and I start to get hungry. But hungry for pancakes. We leave the alley and go to Denny's. That's when more info comes out.

So we know he lives in Cali and is here visiting his cousins for a month or two.
He gets medical... natural medicine, yeah.
He is SERE trained
He has jumped out of and driven any and everything you can think of.
He can most likely take out anyone in a given place
Depending on the state, he is considered a deadly weapon
He's been a part of missions that have captured Top 10 villians

oh yeah, "[he] can keep [me] very, very safe". He is TRAINED and INGRAINED to put his life on the line.

*blink blink*


2 returned the favor:

Jameil said...

O_O I can't.

But I AM amused that his stuff is all exclamated and yours is extra dery. You are so ridiculous! Dead @fb being the authority for your relationship! Such a mess.

SN: You've never gotten a strike before????

Adei von K said...

You got the email... he is very animated and im just there. dog, i was upset abt none of my parents showing up for curruculum night and he's all "well, at least you're sooooo cute!" Brrrr? Price of tea in china!

I was being an ass by mentioning FB to confirm my relationship status! HAHAHAHAHA! But, he's my friend on there and has sent me pics OF ME so I know he knows my deal AND who DFB is!

I've bowled strikes before. But Wii bowling is way easier.

Kidding. I've bowled strikes before. That night, the black light was getting in my eye and obstructing my laser vision. Real talk.