Thursday, July 01, 2010


So I'm chilling in the NC; one summer trip down... EAST MECK, IT'S ON DA MAP!

Got my hair done yesterday, woo woo, can't wait to see it unwrapped today!

We surprised the hell out of Jameil's mom and it was great! I LOOOOVE surprises! Mini Me surprised Pops for Father's Day and it was AWESOME!

Jam and I are catching up with a Hampton Homie (the best kind of homie, don't you think?) this evening and I'm excited! Plus, there are two more on tap! Come onnnn, BK and AC!

The minute I land in Ft. Lauderdale (3pm, 7/4/2010) I'm getting ready for a 4th of July Yacht party with Kitty and RJ! Can you say excited? The yacht leaves at 6pm from... The Port of Miami!! Aaaaaaahhhh! Man, we had a yacht party last year (see: rick ross themed pool party) at Kitty's parents' house. This year? We on a futhermuckin boat. Let the unlimited champagne flow!

My next plane trip will be to DC. For what? An in person interview with DC Public schools! Woo, woo! They liked my application and statement, said I did phenomenal during my phone interview, and now want to see me in action. I have to prepare a 10 minute mini lesson, analyze a case study and bring proof of growth. I don't know how that last one is going to work cause any formal assessments I gave are locked in a vault at school. How will that work? "hi, I need to get a running record book out the vault for a job interview. I know I have one here but I don't want it and I won't say anything till a new job is secure which is why I need this running record book... don't tell the principal."

So my move out date is Aug 1. That's like, tomorrow. My interview is 7/27... that means ima have to start moving back to Spencer Lakes the minute I step off the boat. OMG, overwhelmed doesn't begin to describe. Maybe not overwhelmed but confused? That's more my speed. Whirlwind. I have no idea what the next step is going to be. The only certain in the equation right now is I have an interview and I have to move out.

Uhhh, I think that's bout it! I'll holla at y'all later!

3 returned the favor:

Jameil said...

Change is so awesome and amazing!! I can't wait to see this stuff happen!! Why don't you go ahead and start moving out when you get back from Charlotte?

Gorgeous_Puddin said...

I'm exhausted and this is not even me LOL! However, I'm inspired because you are truly living your life and doing things. I'm excited for you! Amazing!!!

Adei von K said...

Jam- change is scary! But I need to get over that and myself, right?!
Literally the minute I get back from Charlotte, I'm getting ready for the yacht party leaving from Miami! So Monday... Tuesday, I'll start moving back to the Lakes. I'm so scared for some reason!

Gorg- thanks for the excitement and good energy! Want some of my nerves too???? Kidding! I'm excited too; keep me in your good thoughts and I'm sure my new adventures will bring some newness to the blog!