Tuesday, March 09, 2010

*blink blink/blankstare*

- my creepy old man neighbor felt the need to give me some advice this morning as I was rushing to work. "The best thing you can do in life is buy a house"...

*blink blink*.

Sir, I am in between reverse and drive and you stopped me to tell me that??

- same old man told me this afternoon, "The best thing you can do in life is buy a house." I'm thinking, I already got that tidbit from you but then he added a P.S.! "The second best thing you can do is not get married."


"Well, if you do get married, don't marry a bum."

*blink blink*

- my mom drove from S.Lakes down Village to tell me my dad is planning the biggest Ghanian party... as my wedding reception. "Just like he wanted to invite everyone and their maid to my birthday party in Ghana, he wants to do that for your reception."

*blank stare*

"How come no-one believes me when I say I want a small wedding?"

"Tell your father now. He wants to invite the Colemans, their children, and their grandchildren. He says people get offended if you don't invite them so... do like Odette. Have a destination wedding. If entire families want to come, they can pay for it themselves."

- my sister hasn't ordered her bridesmaid dress for our only brother's wedding. Today was the deadline for ordering it to get it in time for just-in-case alterations.

did you follow that? if you order dress after today, you will get it in time for the wedding. but if you have to send it back for alterations, you will NOT get it in time for the wedding.

Why did she call me -on her way to Miami, mind you- to order her dress?

*blink blink*

"What have you been doing all day? Even if you woke up at 1pm, you could've gone to David's and ordered your dress and still have time to spare for the ride to MIA. Now why are you putting the pressure on ME not to ruin Jess' wedding cause YOU didn't order your dress? Chile, boo. You better find a computer down there and order it online."

- It was HIGHLY recommended we wear our FCAT shirts to show support for the 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders who began testing today. Okay, I'll wear this adult small tee that I'm not really a fan of. I wore it with skinny jeans and navy blue peep-toe pumps. Why did a teacher wearing khakis tell me, "Dr. M doesn't want us wearing jeans cause the children can't wear jeans"
*blink blink*
MAAAAAAN, futherMUCK the kids! I AM A TEACHER! I MAKE PENNIES! MY STARTING SALARY IS A JOKE AND... IT'S BEEN THE SAME FOR THE PAST THREE YEARS!! Leave me, and my futhermucking Joe jeans alone! yeah, I name dropped!! I'm wearing these damn jeans that I've been wanting and finally bought when I realized I wouldn't be making any more money!

What I said was, "Guess what? I did this already. I wore uniforms and had dress codes already. You know who's worried about the wrong thing?"


0 returned the favor: