Monday, March 01, 2010

Birthday Fab

You guys already know I always have something up my sleeve for my birthday... after Easter, May 8th is my favorite holiday


Y'all don't front. May 8th tends to be an awesome date! How many college graduations fall on on May 8th? and if it wasn't for May 8th, how else would you honor your mom on Mother's Day?

Okay, my birthday doesn't fall on Mom's Day every year (it will in 2011) but it's always close enough.

So last year, I had a fabulous Friday brunch with my close friends, a jaunt to the beach with the bestests (Kitty, Jam, Drew), and sushi for dinner. Saturday, my favorite day, the fun continued with a music fest in Miami that Drew was playing. VIP, Goose, and the fabulous Jameil and I was good.

Now Sunday was a little downer cause when we got back to WPB, I found out my dog was taken away for attempted caninicide. Russell tried to kill Koko :-( But, since it was Mother's Day, I presented Lyds with her gift and she loved it (upper). Let me find out my mom is a closet Gap groupie! She looks so cute in their jeans and tunics!

Anyway, I'm turning 28 this year. I've been wanting a Living Single 90s party for the longest but Kitty presented me with a better idea: Las Vegas.


We've been trying to go since we were 21. I'm so glad we didn't go back then, I don't think we'd be alive right now. Me and Kitty got into some stuff in Tallahassee so imagine us in Sin City.

Anyway, that's the plan!

Who: Me
What: My 28th Birthday
Where: Las Vegas, Nevada
When: May 6 or 7 thru May 9, 2010
Why: Not?

Tentative Plans
- Fly out of south florida thursday night (5/6) or friday morning (5/7) for LAS ($242 round trip)
-Check into the Venetian 5-Star Resort ($189/night divided by at least 4 (maybe more) girls
-Put the Club Hopper Pass to work ($84 for access to 20+ clubs, casinos, parties)
-Eat, drink, and be merry with my girlfriends!

Who's down?!?!?

5 returned the favor:

Unknown said...

Found your blog on Danielle's site and I love it! We have something in love May 8th....and I love May 9th!! I agree with you on the graduation/Mother's Day thing, I graduated from Howard on May 9 & 10 (The BEST birthday gift EVER)and as for Mother's Day, what better way to remind your mom of what a joy you are than making her buy you a gift, lol.

Anyway, Vegas sounds like a wonderful birthday celebration. I've been and trust me you'll have an amazing time!! Now if I could only figure out what to do for my birthday :-/

Jameil said...

Just girls?? I wanna go!!! Maybe I can convince some people to put in on it as a graduation present! :) Did you see how much food there is?!?! YESSSS!! How long is the Club Hopper valid? B/c ouch @ that price tag!! Sheesh!! I see there are multiple so how do we know the best clubs and the ones worth your money?

Rashan Jamal said...

I've never been interested in Vegas since I'm not a gambler, but I hope you guys have fun. Be sure to post lots of embarrassing pictures on Facebook!

Cluizel said...

Went to Vegas last was had by all :-) Drinking at 11am while walking down the strip was my favorite...

I didn't gamble though...I don't play with my money like that. I think I spent $40 before I called it quits.

Adei von K said...

Danielle- that is an awesome BDay present!!! I graduated on my sister's bday (4/29) and we are SOOOOO here on the mom reminder!! HAHAHA! I like to tell her, "I MADE you! I made you a mother!"
I sooo can't wait for Vegas!! For your birthday, take the day off and take a day trip somewhere you've always wanted to go!

Jam- it's the all girls trip we've been talking about forever! VEGAS BOUND! OMG, that would be an awesome grad gift! I'm VERY excited about the dining experiences!
I believe the club hopper is good for a year. As for the best clubs, we can only ask people who've been there to give us a heads up. But then again, you know we'd have fun in a fridge box!

Rashan- I'm soooo not a gambler either! Me and Drew spent $1.00 at the Seminole Hard Rock and we were done. I don't get gambling and I'm glad! I just want to party and eat!

Clu- aww yeah!! Where'd you go?! I need the deets!
Yeah, I barely have enough money so I'm not cool with throwing the little I have away!