Wednesday, January 06, 2010

New Goal

You know I'm all about positivity. I am the eternal optimist and the borderline idealist. Although I think and wish it can be all good all the time, I know my scatterbrainedness can get in the way of progress.

Starting today, when I wake up in the morning, I will make a list called "5 Things". I will quickly list 5 things I'm thankful for and 5 things I need to do by the end of the day. This morning was my inaugural duo-list and here's what I wrote down.

5 Things
my hair, heating, my students, Andrew, family.

call Dr. Hampton, copy lesson plans, organize desk, make center activity, prepare guided reading lessons.

I feel like this should guide me to accomplish more things on a day-to-day basis. Lord knows, I need to write things down lest I forget (see: get sidetracked by something shiny or bubbly).

4 returned the favor:

Unknown said...

I tried doing something like this once...I need to work on my sticktoittivness...

Jameil said...

rotfl @ something shiny or bubbly! ooh a nickel!! on tomorrow's list of thankful, i can't wait to see my name. i want to do something i write but idk what yet.

Rashan Jamal said...

How narcissistic is it to put hair on your things to be thankful for. LOL

You gonna do this everyday? With no repeats?

Unknown said...

Thanks for the post

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