Friday, December 18, 2009

If Sharing is Caring

Dreez doesn't care!!


It has been broughten to my attention that Dreez doesn't like to share me.


I've noticed that he gets a little stank quiet when others are around.

Those of you that have known us since high school know that he's been smitten and borderline smothering since the days of Sun Coast. If I could find my album from my Sweet 16, you'd see him one arms length away from me in every shot. Then there was junior year when we went to to Sugar Bowl and he was totally blocking me. Such an interesting trip cause me and fave ex were "us" and then here come Dreez from UM on the trip with other alum. If I wasn't hemmed up by Dreez, I was chilling with F.Ex. I actually found out that F.Ex was jelly of Dreez! Apparently, he was trying to woo me since freshman year but Dreez commanded all my attention!


last night, he was here and Mini Me called. When I got off the phone with her, he said,

"Someone is coming here now?"
"Yes, babe, just [Mini Me]"
"Oh" (deflated)

She got here and we're having a blast being us. Then someone was noticeably gone.

"Where's Dreez?"

I go to my room and he's on the bed playing with his iPhone.
"What's up?"
"Are you upset Mini Me is here?"

(y'all already know one-word answers are not the beat)


It's especially bad when there's only three of us, as Jameil can attest. OMG, he turns into a different person! I used to think I'm just really gregarious and pretty much an extrovert and he's the total opposite. That part is def true, but point blank, he doesn't like to share.

When we went to Daytona for the HU-BCC game, I didn't even notice but Jameil told me he sure did sit in between us at the game!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!! We soooooooo had to lean forward with the crazy gangsta lean to talk to eachother!! Are you really using your BODY to keep me to yourself?? Reminds me of New Orleans!

There was my birthday brunch where he was all sullen on the beach... luckily, Kitty was there so she and Jam had a field day swapping stories of Dreez's selfishness.

I almost can't take him anywhere cause I feel like he'll need so much attention and I'd have to censor myself! And then when I do bring him with me, I supposedly act differently. I can see how that might be. I'm not as "out there" when he's around. But when you have a white, introverted boyfriend, I gotta make sure he's all comfortable, make sure we don't talk about white people, use the word 'nigga' all loosely, JUST CHANGE MY WHOLE DEMEANOR!! This is where having a black boyfriend would be nice. Dreez doesn't get somethings and his comments on some things we may talk about would only ruffle my feathers the way he did when he was looking thru my Essence mag.

Speaking of censoring, the first time Jameil came to visit... we're listening to one of the band's song, "Mr. Babylon"... here comes Jameil from the backseat, "Mr. Bobby Long? Why don't they like that nigga?"


I laugh now, but that day, I iced grilled the absolute SHEEEET out of her. from my mirror.

Anyway, what can I do with him? I'd rather he loves me the way he does best: selfishly.

2 returned the favor:

Jameil said...

why you always gotta tell that story? it was an accident!! it slipped out!! and i didn't care about your grill. that made me laugh harder! i don't get that last sentence. you'd rather him love you selfishly than not at all? is that what you're saying? 3 is the worst!! none of us can be ourselves b/c drew wants to pout if we don't EXPLICITLY include him in the convo. he was so much better w/4 people i almost didn't notice he was still ridiculous until Rashan pointed it out. He really makes himself more awkward & conspicuous than he needs to be-- which owes nothing to him being white. Too honest?

Rashan Jamal said...

LOL - why do I even say anything to Jameil. I should just CC you on all of our conversations.

We just have to adjust our plans when we are with you guys, b/c we know its going to be an early evening. Feel sorry for your NYE co horts. You gonna be in the hotel watching on TV.

But on the real, he's been around enough black people and Haitians to not be uncomfortable with the way we are. No need to censor...