Monday, December 07, 2009

Annoyed at Love

Drew woke me up at 420am today. four.twenty.

Why? To put my head on his shoulder.

Yes, he woke me up by pulling my arms closer to him and somewhat placing my head on him and my arm across his torso.







I... I was STUNNED he woke me up for that. I tried to fall back asleep and was almost successful when he started using MY hands to rub HIS stomach around 5am....








I just sat up and looked at him. Granted, he really couldn't see me but I'm sure he felt the pure HATE spewing from my barely opened eyes. Then I squinted at him as if to say, "Are you for serious right now?!" Seeing how I clench my jaws when I sleep, I couldn't even open my mouth for a while so I just sat there and looked at him. After what seemed like eternity of me telling myself not to cuss him the fuck out, I muster the calmness to ask him, "Why do always wake up so early on Mondays?" He answered all sheepishly, "I went to bed early."


I tried to go back to sleep and again, was almost successful when he starts moving, trying to get comfortable.

Oh, the moving, oh the moving.

I try and give him as much space as possible by making myself as small as possible (comfortable fetal position) but it's not enough. I seriously can't believe I'm going thru this on an ass crack of dawn Monday morning. I... *pointing to my eye* not only have to drive an hour north, but then I have to pour some knowledge into the minds of 19 five and six year olds from 745am-2pm.

at 540a, I stomped out of the bed. I stood at the foot of his bed and contemplated some Misery shit. Just slapping the shit out of his feet and legs. I decided to go look at myself in the mirror and calm myself down. Let my jaws unclench and then hit the road. I splashed some water on my face, grabbed my things and was heading out the door when Drew gave me a packed lunch (sauteed pink shrimp & white mushroom in garlic couscous) he made for me the night before and some PublixCupcakes he bought.

Damn him.

And today was actually a good day. By 8am, even though I was up since 440a, AND my team lost (why must dallas let me down so much?) I was good.

5 returned the favor:

Jameil said...

better you than me. one of the things i love abt rashan is that he lets me sleep!! i'm evil w/o it!!!

Rashan Jamal said...

That's not why he woke you up at 4:20! weedheads!

Why didn't you curse him out? How else is he going to to learn?

Adei von K said...

Jam- I am better than you. And yes, you are evil. Glad you've come to terms.

Rashan- only a true weedhead would see the significance in that time!!
But I don't smoke.
I don't like to curse him out! I'd feel like a horrible, ingrate of a gf if I cussed him out :-( I'm trying new ways to resolve conflicts, like using the words 'I feel (tired/annoyed) when...' instead of, "why the fcuk did YOU (wake me up), bitch?!". Doesn't one sound less threatening?? LOL

Jameil said...

1) who cares about less threatening? that's why you are repeatedly awakened by him on Monday mornings. 2) i'll be evil if it means having the uninterrupted sleep YOU'RE not getting.

DaniColoredGlasses said...

I hate when the b/f interrupts my not be sweet after you've done something that gives me a solid reason to Elin Woods you...ugh! that's actually more annoying than the whole being woken up thing. At least to me.