Sunday, October 18, 2009

Hello Again

I'm in Hollywood, posting from Drew's computer. My mak is in the hospital. My poor baby will never be the same again, total amnesia.


not a fan of this school year. ADORE my students, they came in so smart and I've started reading groups already! But as for everything else? I'm over it.

Ummmm, what else?? I don't even remember how to use this thing. What to talk about?

Today's dip in the mercury confirms I can't live anywhere where there is a true winter. 60 degrees is my limit. I can wear cute trenches and scarves and boots when it's 60 degrees. It doesn't need to get any colder than that.

Why do toothpaste tubes say, "for best results, squeeze from the bottom"? My teethbrushing experience will not be the same if I squeeze from the middle??

I went ring hunting with Drew. Yep. I wasn't as excited as I thought I'd be. I even asked, "you're not trying to play me are you? this isn't to string me along for another year cause we're now looking at rings, is it?" Not too romantic. I found the one I want. Actually, I found the setting. It took two tries. :-)

Ummmm, I have to do lesson plans for guided reading. I'll holla!

4 returned the favor:

Patti said...

Sweetie, you arent excited because you asked the man if he was trying to play you - lol! Congrats on finding the one you want though. Are you going to tell us what it looks like or is it a surprise? ♥

Desy said...

lmao@ at the teethbrushing experience... you a trip...

i am super happy about the cooler weather, but i am FULLY aware that i cannot deal with cold weather after the whole inauguration experience-NEVER again

Jameil said...

I'm mad you don't know how to use your blog anymore! Problem! You know you didn't need a temp. drop to know you can't deal with the cold! Ol Florida girl for life self! Boooo @ you not being ring excited. That sux. :(

Rashan Jamal said...

Weren't you the one last month that was imploring us to post again? And now.. you intentionally break your cpu so you can't post..

Seriously though, did you lose all your music? that sucks.