Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Brunch Convo with Pops

I was making brunch when I heard the master bedroom door open. Wow, Daddy's up!

"Hey Pops, you want breakfast?"
"Yeah, whatever you're making plus a big cup of tea. Well, I want scrambled eggs"

I flip my omlette, peel a couple shrimp that have THANKFULLY been deveined, take some lox out of its package and split my croissant in half. Plate my food and scramble dad's eggs with garlic salt and roughly chopped spinach. He's sweeping the house when I ask if he even likes lox. "I've never had it. What is it?"


Quel horreur!

"Ay caramba, Dad!! You don't know what lox is?!?! OMG, where have you been your whole life!?!? How do you not know what lox is??!?!? Well, do you like salmon?"

"I love salmon"

"Oy. And you still don't know what lox is. Well, its breakfast salmon that has been smoked. Taste"

He loves it. I have another follower of lox.

Amy is in the background while we're eating in the sitting room. His big ole cup of hot tea and my mug of sweet tea... we talk about how painful it can be to be an artist, and specifically a musician. Take after take; rehearsals can be maddening for other musicians who don't feel what you feel, hear what you hear... then the physical pain. Callused hands from the upright bass, deformed fingers from any brass instrument, shoulder/neck pains from a string and on and on...

Now we're vibing to Louis Ar.mstrong and Duke Ellin.gton's Master Takes. Dad pops out with,

"You know what? I will feel sorry for your children"

*listening to Do Nothing Till You Hear From Me, ignoring Dad*

"I said, I'll feel sorry for your kids"

"Okay, Dad"

"You want to know why?"

"... why Dad?"

"I'm glad you asked. Because you cook so well and you like to cook, they will never get to have McDonald-s or Kurber Bing, 'Mommy, can we eat at Dennies?' 'No! I make better breakfast than they do!'"

"Is that what was running around your head all this time?"

"Yeah. I'm thinking I'll be the cool grampa who gets them happy meals cause you won't"

"Really? All that?"

"Yeah, I'll be so cool. Catch a baseball game and surprise them with Pissa Hut afterwards"

"You really have all this planned out? More power to you, with your cool self"

"Hey, I can't help it"

*eye roll + SMH + giggling*

2 returned the favor:

Jameil said...

lol. yo daddy is a mess! that lox i had there was YUM-O!! man! i could have dreams about that lox! i could kill salmon with my bare hands for that lox!

p_nami said...

I love it!