Monday, April 27, 2009


Have I really let so many days go by without posting?? I kinda forgot. I'm so enthralled by tweets and FB (of course) that I forgot to post!

While in undergrad, I could post everyday, twice a day. Now, I have nothing intersting to share. Sorry.

27 school days left. twenty-seven. My class and I are on a mission. After Spring Break, I get them into promotion mode. All you children on the bubble, get on it!!

on Friday, I had them trace their hands and write, 'PUSH FOR PROMOTION' on some construction paper. I told them to put that paper on their fridge at home and work it out. Today, I let them pick their favorite color paint, got their hands all colored and let them "push" a banner I have titled, "PUSH FOR PROMOTION"

It's not a game. If you aren't reading a level B independently, writing at least 2 sentences, and recognizing your 25 sight words, you better get on it! I have no problem keeping children back. You will NOT go to 1st grade and disgrace me!

I met Desy!! We had sushi at a restaurant near downtown. City Place! Then we went to Narnes and Boble and talked about how expensive books are, what we have and want to read and knitting. In the crafts and hobbies section, there are books and books about knitting. French Chic knitting to be exact (I think). Yeah, I need a productive hobby. One that would yield something tangible.

Wednesday is picture day. I soooo cancelled my orthodontist appointment made 8 weeks ago for a hair appt made today. It's not a game. I wonder what I'll wear. I'm thinking a zebra wrap dress with a fuschia satin sash belt. Also, I need her hair

we shall what happens tomorrow

3 returned the favor:

Jameil said...

those kids better get on it! they better do it!! how many are on the bubble? hope you have fab hair for picture day!!

the joy said...

im puttin out a prayer for your hair. let us touch the screens and agree. ahhhhhhhhhmen.

Rashan Jamal said...

its your hair, but I don't think you need that style. LOL

What Desy say about me? It's all lies. LOL Did you tell her to start blogging again?

Have fun on picture day!