Friday, November 14, 2008

I'm Out!

I'm going to Tally this weekend!

I'm sure it will be better than last time; Jameil is coming!!

the Rattlers of Florida A&M vs. the Pirates of Hampton U

Do I "strike, Strike, and STRIKE again!"?

or do I

"Rock the Blue and White, Rock the Blue and White!"?

In one, I see my begining, my first time away from home, my first time with people like me, my first friends who I DIDN'T know since forever, my first time listening to Mos and Ghost

yet, the other was more my home, easier to just be, closer (in proximity) to family, more "real" (not everybody is born with a silver spoon in their mouth, or even a silver plated one for the 'fake it till you make it' folk)...

well, its State's Homecoming. Maybe I'll be a Seminole for the day.

1 returned the favor:

Jameil said...

YOU SELL OUT! You betta stop tryin to forget your roots. Way harsh Stace. Dang. Did you have to call us snobs and wannabes tho? Geez. It's not our fault we're not hoodrattlers.