Wednesday, September 10, 2008

but wait, there's more!

more crappery that is.

i called the union. he apparently has been getting hella calls from our school and called the area head honcho to find out what's going on with excessing. the area guys asks him where he got his information from cause according to their offices, my school is looking to GAIN units and NOT excess any!!


the fcuk??

so..... why would the principal ask if anyone wants to leave, let her know in TWO mediums? (white board and memo in the mailbox)

why would the team leader tell us that the super wants to excess 4 and she (prin) wants to lose 1?

why have FIVE people now volunteered to be excessed???

as my former girl used to say, "What kind of fcukery is this?"

sing, Amy! I was rocking her so hard yesterday... matter of fact, let's rock out some more. just no coke. I'm not that much of a rockstar (Rashan!! lol)

4 returned the favor:

Jameil said...

maybe she just wants to know who hates being under her. fine w//you tho, right? no love lost and she can kick rocks.

Rashan Jamal said...

"That's wack!!!" - The black guy from Not Another Teen Movie. LOL

American Press said...

Wow. Sounds like the problem is with the principal and now the bosses know it!!

Hang in there chic. And you can't go wrong with "I'm Serious" YOU CAN'T!!

the joy said...

Girl I see why you don't wanna be there. People are clearly crazy.