Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Lot of Them

This is not your parking space. This spot is reserved for another unit.

That was the note left on my car two days ago; scribbled on an envelope.

"Who tha!?" Indignant, I looked to see who was around; who was bold enough yet, too scared to leave a note on my windshield!


Who could it be?

The neighbor who is ALWAYS on his porch watching TV*Land; morning, noon, and night?
The weirdo who walks around in shades and dress socks with sweatpants and never speaks?
The man who makes weird small talk cause I think he secretly like black girls?

Let me backtrack.

In our condo, the owner gets a reserved parking spot. Seeing how I'm renting from Kitty, I have to park in a guest spot that is, as you guessed, not as close as the reserved parkings. I noticed who drives what and where they park... and finally, all of two weeks ago, I decide to park in a reserved spot that belongs to a unit that isn't occupied. (Mind you, I've been here for over a year now) I wouldn't DARE park in anyone's spot, I don't even park in Kitty's even though I'm entitled to (my windshield has the same decal). I KNOW for a FACT that 159 is un-occupied and that's why I'm so amused/pissed about my note!

I come to you for some help. Its been brewing inside me on what to write back to un-bold neighbor. Here's what I've come up with:

Dear Concerned Neighbor,
The spot I park in is reserved for a unit that is un-occupied, therefore making it an un-occupied parking space. Thank-you for your concern, I will definately nominate you for president of the neighborhood watch.

Dear Meter Maid,
Unless I am in YOUR space, please do not worry about where I park my car. Thank-you.

Dear Watch-Dog,
Last I checked, this space was not being used. Since I am not doing anything illegal or detrimental to anyone's health, I would appreciate it if you tended to your own. Thank-you

Dear Parking Attendant,
When the owner of the unit (is there even one?) or the president of the HOA tells me to move, I will do so expeditious and graciously. Till then, un-official notices left written on envelopes will not deter me from parking closer to the building. Thank-you!

So? What should I say?

10 returned the favor:

GreatWhyte said...

Kindly refer to my Facebook letter... this dumbass....

Desy said...

I love all your renditions and I personally like 'Parking Attendant'.... but if you really want to get raw, you could just simply say

'Hey Nosy,
Mind your own *insert explicit adult words here* business. Sincerely, I don't give a *insert explicit adult word here* what you think.'

Jameil said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA. I think you should leave one long note w/all of those on your car. Make a big show of getting out of the car IN THAT SPACE, wildly and grandiosly wave the letter then stick it under your windshield so they know it's for them to read. then stalk the spot to see who comes out to read it. how hilarious would it be if your roomie was the one who left the note. ahhhh!! hahahaha. stuff like this makes me SO mischievous!!! hahahahaha!

Southerner in Suomi said...

I'm leaning towards Desy's response.

Rashan Jamal said...

LOL @ you trying to figure out who it was. Good luck trying to solve that mystery.

I like the first one. That is so nice/nasty that it makes your point without being overly aggressive.

Unknown said...

I like your first response. A sweet/nasty lil note.

Cluizel said...

lol. I love the first one.

La said...

LMFAO! I like "Dear Concerned Neighbor..."

It both illustrates your point and is snarky enough to make them understand that they are idiots with far too much free time.

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

they must think folks are slaves

but its ok to get recalicitrant but never indignant

Adei von K said...

x- girl, yours was FIRE!

desy- TOO MUCH CURSING! I'm a teacher! too GANGSTA!

jam- you know what? leaving a note on Kitty's car is sooooo something i'd do!!! HAHAHAHA, you're so bad!!

vdiz- you and desy need some anger mgmt!

rah, bella, clu, la- I LOOOOOVE the sweet-stankiness of the first one, too! especially the super-delegate nom at the end! LOLOL

torr- i was only indignant at first, lol. i'm going to have to look up that 'r' word you wrote