Monday, May 12, 2008

my apologies

i haven't been posting or commenting in a while.

the internet is not holding my interest as much as it used to.

it's not you, it's me.

i just don't feel like reading anymore.

i haven't played my word games in over a week.

my favorite gossip blog abt fabulous black people that are young hasn't been read in a while (except for yesterday. and i had to share the mess that is de.reon with Jameil).

and i think i've been to two, maybe 3 blogs in the past week.

What's wrong with me?

there are 19 days of school left. i've lost a student (she moved) and gained a student (today was his 1st day) in the past 14 days.

i'm retaining 3, two of them are ESOL (eng speakers of other languages). ESOL retention is one of the hardest things you have to do. so much red tape! the school and the coordinator have to CTA (think crypogram, T=Y) and make sure its not cause of the language difference this child didn't make gains... blah blah blah. NO, THE CHILD STILL CAN'T WRITE THEIR NAME! THE CHILD KNOWS 10 capital letters and 6 lower case letters! no letter sounds, no numbers, can't give me ONE sight word, doesn't know the front cover from the back, cannot even copy a sentence of the board, NOTHING!

See, the problem with America is that they worry about being soooo P.C., that's it not P.C. I remember there was some BS about not using red pens or markers cause that would offend Asian students. I would bet my next paycheck it wasn't an Asian parent coming in complaining about that, but a cauc thinking too hard!

Whatever the case, I can't believe I'm sending my babies to 1st grade! I look at them and can't believe where they came from! I look at pics I took along the school year and see all the teeth that have come and gone, the coloring and play-doh activities that have turned into independent writing, books with 4 big words on a page that have been replaced with 3 or four sentences with size 14 font...

we're doing addition now and my heart SWELLS with joy at how fast they are absorbing this concept. to think that most could only count to 10 and they were showing off if they could count to 20 when I first got them. They can count by 2s, 5s and 10s now.

One of my darlings has a pet hamster. He named it Ms. Kutieboots

My babies aren't that anymore.

hey bush, can I have just ONE child left behind??

Happy Belated Mother's Day to me.

Taken my 1st week of kindergarten, 2 week of school.

7 returned the favor:

Rashan Jamal said...

Awwww... why every time I come around here, I feel guilty about not teaching like I planned to straight outta college.

You been to my blog in the past week. I'm gonna take that as an unintentional sign that I'm the man. LOL

Red pen and Asians? that's just dumb.

Jameil said...

AWWW!! lastaceyontalay!! that's so sweet! i was really thinking on sunday, I should've sent stace a mother's day card b/c she's a better mother to some of those kids than they've ever had. LOVE Ms. Kutieboots the hamster. too cute. no, rj, you're not the man.

shani-o said...

Now Stace, you know I can't resist the babies! (That made me tear up a little.) I understand that RL sometimes gets in the way of the blogosphere. But I can wait. (You better haul your behind over and vote on my rainboots though.)

Tasha said...

Awww, why I did I get all misty eyed reading this? So many of my teachers are friends, and it's amazing how attached they get to their babies. I just attribute it to a job well done. I'm sure your students don't want to leave you either.

cherry's kid said...

aw Stace *sad face pouting* don't be'll see them in school and you'll have a new class to nuture too!!!

Jazzy said...

Awwwwwwwww Stace...we need more teachers like you girl! Seriously!

Happy Belated Mommies Day to ya!

Adei von K said...

rashan- TEACH homie!! you are an endangered species in education! come on mr. blackman!

i only go to your blog to see if you did a MTB post, :-p lol *mission: deflate ego, accomplished*

jam- lastaceyontalay!!!!! lololololol
girl, when we were talking about animals/pets and he told me his pet's name was pleasantly shocked! i had on the biggest kool-aid grin during that lesson!

shani- YES MA'AM!! P&G please!

tasha- thanks homie! i like the thought that they don't want to leave either :-)

Cherry- very, very true. i will see my 1st grade babies down the hall looking like big kids!

ODiva- FAMU puts out the best!