Tuesday, January 22, 2008

What's Wrong with this Picture?

(L) Megan von Kutieboots, Cab.bage Patch Doll 1984
(R) Mimi von Kutieboots, Cabbage Pa.tch Doll 2007

Do you see what they consider "black" now?? Now granted, we come in all delectable shades of goodness; ranging from the ebony to the ivory on a piano but come on!! Mimi should not be the darkest shade of CPK! Its like how InSty.le magazine be trying jameil and I. "If you're dark..." then they show us pictures of JLo, Bey.once, and Halle Be.rry.

If the white dolls can have blond, black, red, dirty blond, brown hair; straight, curly, wavy... freckles, different color eyes; then the black dolls should come in varying shades!! work with me here!

and who told them to stop using yarn for hair!?!?

6 returned the favor:

Eb the Celeb said...

Girl.... i didnt even know they still sold cabbage patch kids

I cant even concentrate though on the point of your post... I am still mad that when I left for college and came back for christmas my grandma has thrown all my dolls away...

now granted most of them had lipstick drawn on them... and I had cut their hair all kinds of way thinking I was a hairdresser... but I wanted them dolls dammit

GreatWhyte said...

Now you know that yarn shit was for the birds! You couldn't do anything with it... it just sat there. I knew they were still making Cabbage Patch Kids, but aren't they like $10 now? I remember when they first came out and they were almost $70 (unheard of for a simple doll with yarn hair in the late 70s/early 80s). Ah well.... they don'tmake them that dark anymore?

Adei von K said...

Eb- awwww man, sorry about your loss! Why did you do it Grandma?!!?

X- the newborn (Mimi) is like, $15. They have so many now and b/c they aren't the sh... like when we were young, they are much cheaper. Kinda like beanie babies in the 90s. Now, you have to pay someone to get them off your hands.
And they don't make 'em that dark anymore, although, Megan is CHOCOLATE! Can I get somewhere in the middle??

Jameil said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. you are so nutty. honey megs is a bit darker than chocolate!

the joy said...

You're funny! I don't think I ever noticed in the way of cpk, but that's cuz I'm a bit mid toned myself. And all my dolls were my shade. I know Barbie has a few shades of brown cuz I had them all!

Btw you know there's a cabbage patch "farm" here in Ga? Its where the dolls are "born." I think you'd enjoy that trip.

SeZ said...

LOL O.k. that was to funny!