Saturday, December 15, 2007

The Color of Water

i read that book a couple of weeks ago and now I'm scarred. Scarred and scared.

I'm at the point where I want to know what's going on with Drew's family. Point is the wrong word... more like crossroads. I can keep on going the route we've been going; me not knowing who from what and honestly being happy (for the most part)


I can find out something I'm better off not knowing about.

do i want to know why i haven't met his fam? do i want to know that his people have disowned him for dating a gentile? do i want to let my imagination keep getting the best of me?


do i want to be blissfully unaware? (for the most part)

see, these questions come up every once in a while. i'm chillin real hard and then it hits me, "i still don't know his mom!"

Granted, every situation is different but, a close family friend of ours, the people who got us acclimated once we moved from Boston (the Silver.steins) told my mom to tell me to be careful of the Jewish mom and her boy. Jewish women, more than dads, don't play about their family; who comes in and out of it. A mutal friend of Drew and I has a Jewish father and a Haitian mother and she was telling me her Jewish grandparents were livid, furious, ashamed of and at their son... until they saw their grandaughter (that would be her). Now they can't get enough of her OR her son, their great who is totally black (Pops is from Camer.oon).

there are so many things running around my head right now... i'm a family person and I know that he is... or was one too. it almost saddens me that he's not the family person he used to be and it might be cause of me. i may be taking it personally, but how can i not?

2 returned the favor:

Jameil said...

it probably isn't b/c of you. if its going to eat at you, maybe you should press until you know. but are you willing to handle the consequences?

the joy said...

I think you should find out. Even if his mother doesn't approve of you, you two are still together, which means he isn't caring much. I know it can be a pretty deep thing to go through. And people not liking you for a reason like that can hurt, but its better to get above it.