Monday, September 15, 2014

monday night thoughts

blessed but unhappy.

I'm just wondering what the lesson in all this is.

and I'm wondering what I did for this kind of karma.

or the flip side, i can't even imagine what the blessing after all this will be.

i'm starting to think i'm depressed.
that would suck.

it comes down to having a haven. i don't have one anymore. and it's killing me.

i died a bit when i realized ADS wasn't my haven.
it def wasn't work or home.
and that's when isht got dark.


a few weeks ago, i touched upon a people tipping point. and wanting to be alone. i deactivated FB and took T off my phone. but it's not enough.

just one day. ONE DAY.
I would be so happy again.

1 returned the favor:

Kali said...

Is it something or someone somewhere other than where you currently are that will light the flame of happiness in you?