Sunday, September 01, 2013

that old feeling

Totally attribute this post to the havoc my hormones are wreaking on my emotions... It really sucks being a girl a lot of the time. If it's not a physical pain from beauty upkeep, high heels, or your female reproductive system, then I'm sure there's some Emo pain that just has you crying out of the blue. Take me for instance.

Any other day, I LOVE going thru my FB pics. Yes, I'm vain. I love my smile and hair and seeing them across the years brings me joy. Whatevs, don't judge me. I digress.
Tonight, in all my wakefulness, I start tearing up at pics from December 2006 to October 2010. Then I put on a sappy playlist with songs like Falling by my fave acid jazz band and the tears really start to fall. Why, Stace? Is it that you need an Emo purge and that's a surefire way to do it? Well stop. Cause that shit hurts more than any uterine contraction. "What if?" has got to be the most tormental (made that up) question you can ask yourself. I don't want to play the what if game. What if nothing!

But I do want that old feeling back. No one gave it to me like Drew. I have faith it'll show up without me looking for it but tonight, if only for one night, I would like to be back in Hollywood eating sushi and listening to music with my ex best friend.

0 returned the favor: