Monday, September 12, 2011


1. waking up late put a rush on my whole day. i couldn't catch up.

2. i really take Cowboy losses hard. harder than knicks losses.

3. Sept 11 hit me hard this year. maybe it's cause i'm actually in NY and can't believe this bustling place (NYC), home to 8 million people, was knocked down to its knees. it's mind blowing that so many lives were lost in one fell swoop. but then countless lives were and are still affected as a result.

4. i'm really annoyed that i'm still living out of two giant suitcases but every time i go to tar.get, they want to act like it's still 'back to school' and be out of the most basic supplies... like hangers.

5. my hair is longer than it's been since i bobbed it in 2003. i don't think i like it. also, i remember when i was able to go 2 weeks without washing it. now 10 days drives me crazy with all the shedding and dust.

6. my school says no jeans WHATSOEVER. the CEO actually said we should be a step below evening wear. that was kind of a joke, but not really... ummm, do you have ann tailor, bananananana repub, calvin kleinfeld money? oh.

7. i don't own enough pants. i have tons of express shirts and not enough bottoms to wear them with. i used to be able to wear them with jeans and heels and look awesome. *eye roll*

8. the bus took over half an hour to come today. in what world is that acceptable? them joints are more reliable in 3rd world countries.

9. i feel like crying. so much so that i'm listening to music that jog memories. but not enough to listen to lauryn hill.

10. i get a deduction from my paycheck to pay for a monthly transportation card. i have yet to see that mug but best believe the deduction was taken. fix my ish. i'm tired of trying to find a train station to refill my MTA card.

11. i hate that my mood is tied to my hair.

2 returned the favor:

Jameil said...

Laaaawd. Poor Emo Stace. If your mood is tied to your hair, why don't you just cut it? It'll grow back. Why do you torture yourself with this long hair don't care stuff every 3 months? I don't own enough bottoms either. That's why I try to force myself to not buy anything but dresses or bottoms. (And accessories)

Adei von K said...

Emo Stace, lol. I have my times. But def not as many as it used to be! Woo woot!
I want my long hair again. And I want it now. This in between stage between chin and shoulder length is driving me crazy but it's inevitable.
I should try that; sticking to only buying bottoms and mostly pants! My accessories would be headbands :-)