Thursday, February 03, 2011

"No, you don't understand...

...I neeeeeeeeeeeed to meet your parents."

It's common knowledge that as soon as my sister graduates from college (possibly grad school), my parents will be on the next thing smoking to Ghana. Okay, not IMMEDIATELY afterwards but as close as possible. Seeing how she's graduating a year early and jumping right into grad school, I can see them being in Ghana Sum 2013.
(they'll be the equiv of snowbirds... 3/4 of the year there, 3 months here)

It is for this reason (and a few others) that I've been wanting to meet DFB's parents. My parents won't be here in a few years. I'm a totally okay with that cause we've known forever they will retire "back home". But I what about my new set of parents that live two exits away from me? Can I see them from time to time? If not, let me know STRAIGHT UP.

And there in lies the REAL problem. For as long as I've been with DFB, I know I've addressed meeting his people. His response is always, "Yeah, ok." or "Soon." or something "safe" that leads me to believe I will one day meet his parents SOON. It's been four years dating and eons as friends. WTF, dude? I sooooo would've rather you told me, "They are not comfortable with my decision to not be with a Jewish girl so until they come around, don't plan on meeting them." DONE! No speculation, no limbo, I would've known where I stand and why I stand there! How you found yourself...protecting me...(?) didn't work cause now I'm more upset WITH THIS RING ON MY HAND. Do you know how foolish I feel never meeting the family of the person I am going to marry? Especially when he has been telling me I will meet them?

As friends? I guess.
As a dating couple? I let you push it under the rug.
As an engaged couple? No mas.

I canNOT go any further. Your definition/perception of soon and mine don't meet. I cannot and will not set myself or our future children for failure. I grew up with no grandparents. Not fun. They might as well not even exist to me. I can google my grandfather; great, the whole world knows what I know abt him, FACTS and STATS. No personal stories or ties to any of them. Is that going to happen in the next generation? A set of grandparents who are nothing but ghost stories told by Dad? Do they even exist? Can we see them?


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