Saturday, August 28, 2010

I Do... my way.

In less than one week, my brother will be a married man! Can you believe that?! I can't! I am so excited for him! I love JR for him; she def makes him a better person. He strives to provide for her. How cute is that?

So since i'm not the MOH, I don't have to make a speech, right? JR said as his sister I do. We're going to see about that!

Yo, when did it become the norm for children to pay for their own weddings? What happened to father of the bride or at least the bride's family taking care of the wedding? We need to bring back those days! I'm not even trying to do it big, I just want to do it my way and I don't want to pay for it! *hmph*

I'm talking about my wedding as if I'm even engaged. Oh well, I like talking about it so I will.

I wanted some shade of green (besides 'sage') but it's supposedly bad luck. I think it's fake bad luck and just Ghanians hating on the color green ("you will not have that nigerian green"). But now that I think about it, green is color that not everyone looks good in; it doesn't matter the shade. I don't want my maids looking sick.

Drew is so on this Vegas tip... "Let's just have a bunch of our friends go out there and we do it! And party afterwards!" I see where he's going with that but Britney.Spears comes to mind when I hear "let's just go out to Vegas for a wedding." He says it's only B.Spears when you've known the person for 3 months and get divorced less than 3 months later. Well, if a fabulous and thought out wedding can be planned out there, why not do the same... where?


did you expect anything less from me?

Again, I just want to have my homies around and we eat, chill, party. And I get married in a pretty dress sometime in between, is that too much to ask? Oh yeah, family can be present... on only one day!

3 returned the favor:

Jameil said...

It's the norm when the bride and groom are on their own and providing for themselves. It's weird to say I own a house, we both have jobs and have been out of school for a minute, we can go on trips and buy everything else we need, but you should pay for the wedding? And you'd better believe when people are contributing, they expect to be able to have their say. Think about your past experiences. I don't think you want that.

Why did you try to convince me to have a Vegas wedding when that's your idea of one!??! HORRID! I need a new best friend.

Adei von K said...

I'M NOT ON MY OWN! I don't provide for myself! Daaaah!

I didn't try to convince you to have a Vegas wedding. I supported you when you mentioned you have an auntie out there AND... I said it's only a brit spears wedding when it's thrown together and the marriage is over before you know it.

Jameil said...

Lies. I was like Vegas sounds... tacky and you said, "No! I think Vegas sounds cool!" You have the most conveniently revisionist memory.