Wednesday, June 10, 2009


you know the really good part of my summer vacay?

Mom Dukes is on vacay too!!

Now I don't mean that in a bad way, it just means that me and Pops get to bond!!

If you don't know, my Pops and I are so much alike. I am def his child. Our mannerisms, our demeanor, our tastes...

I got my love of music from him and come to find out, my love for visual art. Well, not just art but photography. You know my dad took pictures when he was in college?? Like, had a professional Cannon joint (i don't remember the name he spit out) and was snapping shots of College Life when he was at UMass Boston! He was also the school artist back at his school in Ghana. Whenever the school was having a game or match or event of some sort, holla at Rich! He did posters, flyers, and of course back then, all this was by hand!

If you've been to to my house, you'd know that there's art all over the walls. Some done by my grandfather, some by my dad. I'll leave the oil painting to them. Let me holla at a camera!!

Speaking of camera, my dad saw me in my eternal boredom as asked if I "want to take a summer photography class at the junior college"...


So I'm looking up classes right now :-)

3 returned the favor:

Rashan Jamal said...

is your mom gone somewhere? Or are you just ignoring her while she's on vacation to hang with your pops.

Me and my father were alot alike too. Music, writing, laid-backness.

Good luck in your photog class

Jameil said...

ugh. can i be like you? please!?!? can my dad offer me some free fun classes?!?!?!

Adei von K said...

Rashan- my mom forsakes us for the motherland every summer. and every summer, her trip gets longer and longer. this year, FOUR MONTHS!! June1- Sept 1!!!!!! I know the minute Mini Me graduates, she's gone for good!

Jam- he says, "tell naa-koshi 'hi'!" lol